Search Results for: "kink your kindle

Kink Your Kindle: Selected Explicit Novels

As much as I devour Jon Krakauer books and period noir, I’ll confess that I love explicit erotic novels: I know that statement reeks of “Harlequin romance” but hear me out. There is something really engrossing and arousing about sinking into a book that makes your attention compete between an interesting story, and the powerful…

All new site design, the release of Bent, and 15 years of sex-positivity online

You’re looking at a completely new TinyNibbles! New design, evolved style, refined topics, faster everything, mobile prettiness, and better security (with a few more added security features wrapping up as I write this). As much as I hated not posting here for a week, now you know what’s been keeping me so busy. Working on…