Photography by Akif Hakan Celebi (Redux)

Back in 2008 I became infatuated with the photography of Akif Hakan Celebi, though I was frustrated that the Hong Kong and Turkey based photographer’s Flickr stream was sporadically updated. No matter; as much as I still hold out hope for Flickr I know it’s not a place to put things you truly care about so I understand (note: someone please buy Flickr and fix it!). And also no matter because Celebi has been making new work like a brilliant house on fire since then, and his website is a sexy funhouse where you can get lost in acres of skin and strange, wonderful and slightly eerie visions of sensual softness bound by the occasional hard edges of couture.

Especially visit the galleries in his personal and works in progress areas. You won’t be sorry. I’m really glad I remembered Celebi’s work by way of this post on my current favorite art blog, Cgunit.

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