Birthday contest winners, fluffy haz a dildo version

That’s Kevin‘s #1 co-winning entry above; see the rest below.

I just don’t know what it is about captions and contests — no matter what I do, they turn into LOLpr0n! How awful. There were waaaay too many excellent entries, but I boiled it down (hah — silicone joke, get it?) to two co-winners and one runner up. Babeland reserves the right to spank me for giving away too much stuff… Another sex toy contest giveaway friday, fyi… :D

Teh Winnrz!!!1!

Co-winner #2 Ben:

Runner up, anonymous submission:

To claim your prizes: Kevin, Ben and anonymous — email me directly at violet @ tinynibbles dot com with an email address and mailing address with which I will place your order at Babeland. Be sure to include in your email which prize you want: choose one of the following — Jaguar Harness + Leo Combo; Babeland’s Pocket Rocket; Aneros Helix; Hitachi Magic Wand, or a Delight. They all make great gifts, too… You will receive *one* confirmation email from when your order ships, with shipping info. You will *not* be put on a mailing list, your information will not be rented, sold or traded to third parties, and all of your everything will remain private. Thank you, Babeland! Thank you, readers! Happy birthday everyone!

Honorable mentions after the jump!


Also fantastic:

“And this is how we train the ex’s new pet…”

“Few dildos ever survive being played with by my pussy.”

“Naive kitty begins to understand why human roommate spent last night screaming and slamming the door.”

“Jim was thoroughly disappointed when he popped in the tape he got from his local video store entitled “Pussy’s Revenge”.”

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