O hai from Richard Kadrey

viviane de milo

Richard Kadrey is one of those people whose name is well-known around San Francisco’s underground sex and writing circles, and whenever I run into him at parties we have great, laughing conversations. He’s wry and darkly humorous, and I consider him a colleague — and now a Flickr friend. His website Kaos Beauty Klinik is packed with superb, spooky eroto-glam photos of beautiful girls that evoke the mood of edgy subculture eros circa 1990, yet with a modern bite. I want to call the models “alt” but they’re not; to me alt babes are now more like skinny, too-clean LA-punk SG types, and have long ceased to be a rarity. Also, I think “alt” is no longer alternative in the same way music I loved in the early 90s went from alt (no category) to grunge to modern rock to… Anyway, these women are SF-flavored, are not too skinny, give off an aura of power, have some tats and piercings, and don’t seem to be affecting a culture if you know what I mean. I’m seeing their “type” as an emergent genre (which I may fit into, as I’m likely going to pose for him), but I don’t quite know what to call them. Let me know if you have any ideas.

richard kadrey

His Flickr photostream is mostly restricted, but I’ve got a few more handpicked selections of Kadrey’s from his stream after the jump. I see the lucky bastard’s been shooting my newest webcrush, Vivian De Milo (top photo). ::sigh:: I really love that he’s doing on-location shoots here in San Francisco, like this one at the Palace of Legion of Honor (incidentally, where I worked on an SRL show and ran a machine, for the 2002 Webbys):

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  1. Just happened to float over here after reading something on SFGate you wrote and was amazed to see Richard Kadrey’s name. Mein Gott, he wrote THE most erotic sci-fi scene in one of his books…Metrophage…the scene where the two women are playing with the blind protagonist on a concrete embankment…I read that 12 years ago and still can’t forget it. And someone sent me that octopus picture recently. Nice to know where it came from. Whee…

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