Digita Pub Howto’s

Self-portrait taken today with my Helio Ocean.

Part of my goal with Digita Pub is to open source the ebook and audiobook self-publishing process. I have two tutorials coming up, but I’ve started with the Digita Pub FAQ’s to explain how the whole thing works, and what software I use to make the files, distribute the content and do fulfillment, and process payments. Viva la revolucion! Here’s a snip:

(…)q: can I read your ebook at home and on my commute?
a: absolutely. the different file formats make multiple device use a snap, and you can copy the files to as many devices and computers as you want. there are no limits to where and how many times you can read or listen to a Digita Pub book. you bought it, so you own it, just like any other kind of book.

q: aren’t you worried about file sharing and people giving away your work?
a: yes, but I’m not opposed to fair use of my work, which I believe includes loaning a book to a friend, or passing a book to someone who would love it once you’re done. no hardworking writer wants her hard work stolen, but I also don’t think the draconian DRM put on ebooks and audiobooks is the answer. I offer my work, and the work of other authors, in good faith.

q: how often do you put out books?
a: as often as I get a chance to. it’s just me doing all the work, and so in between other more traditional book projects it might be months until I get a chance. but I always have lots of material waiting, so — happily — there’s always going to be something on the way.

q: do you take submissions?
a: not at this time, but eventually I plan to grow Digita Pub into a multiauthor enterprise where writers can feature their content and make a full profit off their own work.

q: what products do you use to make your books?
a: for the files, I use MS Word, Text Edit, Adobe Acrobat and Palm Doc Converter (yay freeware). I use Photoshop for the cover art. for file processing and as a third party payment processor I use PayLoadz; for customer-side payment I use PayPal. this website is hosted at Laughing Squid and the blogging software is WordPress.

q: how’s business?
a: it’s crazy-good. people really like this thing.

q: why did you start Digita Pub?
a: because I’m an author, and was deeply dismayed at the book industry and audiobook industry acting like the Mafia about digital files. (…read more!)


  1. Thanks for posting this FAQ Violet. I’ve long felt that Digital publishing was the best way for new authors to get their work out to the readers, but it all felt terribly complicated. I’d actually be using Amazon’s Kindle thingy but you have to have a US bank account to use it so I didn’t look into it any further. I guess they have DRM stuff on that.

    The issue of copyright is definitely a vexing one… is trust enough? When you start levelling with the consumer saying “Here’s my work, I’m not screwing you over” you have to hope that honesty kicks in. The pessimist in me sees how many Torrent sites there are out there and worries about human nature. At the same time, I think your approach is a good one.

  2. I love this post and admire your courage! The PTB treat this stuff like it’s rocket science, and it’s not. It’s not voodoo either (Hmmm. From the same woman who FINALLY wrote a demystified g-spot book….)

    I’ve often thought that we’d reach more people and make more money adopting a similar distro method for our films. But right now we’re just too wedded to selling plastic; the difference between the download price and the hardcopy price is too big, and I don’t feel like we can’t afford to find out whether or not we’d make up the difference in volume.

    Of course that’s the problem, isn’t it, and not just with me. Too focused on the downside/keeping what you have; not thinking about the bigger picture…

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