WANT: The aluminum Vergenza

Sex toy company Vergenza makes one kind of dildo only: high-end, lathe-spun aluminum penetrative tools of pleasure. You know, now that their catalog has grown to include such a stunning range of high-end (and expensive) items, and this kind of haute couture, boutique sex toy is only growing in demand, I really differ in opinion with other sex writers whose 2009 predictions centered around declaring there will be a cultural decline in sexual interest (supposedly due to oversaturation). I’m referring to a certain MSNBC article I won’t link to — but it’s not that we’re more able to search for, find and access sex via technology that we shall supposedly be doomed to being blase about sex. Instead, as a culture I believe we’re becoming smarter about it, and not cursed with the “inevitable consequence” of enjoying (or knowing more about) sex. We’ll just be more sophisticated. Like Vergenza’s gorgeous tools. And their awesome manifesto:

We Celebrate

The American jazz age, machined metals, & sky scraper silhouettes

The importance of detail and adornment

Not sacrificing the day job for the dream job

Coming to the party in your own costume, and leaving in someone else’s

That the birthday suit is perfectly tailored for any affair

Primal desires translated through machined metals

Aircraft-grade spun aluminum as the new hot fudge chocolate sundae

That erotic tools are for the highly skilled modern lover

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