Barcelona Sex Project

You know, when a day goes by and I haven’t done a blog post I get anxious. Plus, things pile up, and then I feel like posts I want to do don’t get their proper day in the sun. Boo! So even though I’ve been working like a crazy person all day (save for a jaunt to get a frozen soy coffee drink in the sweltering Castro), and I desperately need to eat lunch at 11pm, I have to direct your attention to Erika Lust’s new indy porn film, Barcelona Sex Project (link includes trailer, gallery is here). Notable for at least the fact that Lust’s films are hot, but also for the truly delicious girl in the above photo. Yum. Also, if you’re following the BoingBoing thing along at home, I did indeed see the NYT piece today (and made a quick couple comments about it here), and I liked it, and it looks like there will be more mainstream media on this by the week’s end. Not just because I just got an email from a paper asking to send out a photographer to get a couple images of me, and I have no idea what they’re up to, which is a really unnerving feeling. Vaguely evil, but a *lot* of fun at parties and very photogenic, or so I’m told. So Jonno and me, we do not try to make sense of the world, we just look at the kitteh. Makes everything okay.

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