Month: May 2014

Sex News: Penthouse does BBW, MD cops livetweet prostitution raids, Samuel L. Jackson and RedTube

More than 4,000 Chinese citizens have applied to be porn watchdogs, or “sexual content appraisers,” as Internet companies create new jobs to comply with the newest government crackdown on Internet pornography. The job description requires porn watchdogs to be between the ages of 20 and 35; they can be male or female, and receive compensation…

Roy Stuart returns with new book ‘Glympstorys’

French erotic photographer and filmmaker Roy Stuart is one of my all-time favorites, ever. For well over a decade, no single erotic photographer has consistently produced work that is gorgeous, reliably arousing, and even though not always to my exact tastes, constantly inspires my fantasy-seeking-lizard-brain to try on new views of eros. By stumbling across…