Text Phone Sex Services: Extreme Operator Logs

If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of text sex services, essentially they are like phone sex services. Clients see ads about having hot texts with beautiful horny girls, they sign up and are charged per text message, and their texts are answered by whoever is working the switchboard at that time. More precisely, texts (like calls) are routed through a main routing station to text sex workers’ phones and answered by different operators.

A friend just sent me Dear Phone II (dearphoneii.blogspot.com), a blog being posted by either a current or former text sex operator or switchboard person. It’s a super-pervy read, for sure. Dear Phone II is posting UK-based logs (lots of British slang and weight is in ‘stone’) from roughly 2004-2006, and they contain an array of astoundingly unusual and occasionally disturbing fetishes — and a lot of unintentionally funny interactions. They’re also publishing some of the accompanying client notes, as seen above with the guy who like wellies (rubber rain boots) with stinky fish in them (my cat would approve). What’s also interesting is that while the client is on the left, the text sex worker is on the right — and we see that while the client thinks he is having an exchange with one woman, he’s actually having a wank with nearly a different operator every text, in a variety of English speaking countries.

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  1. It’s interesting to see the exchange, especially that it’s one customer with several operators. It makes me wonder how they manage to maintain any sense of continuity for the client.

    Also really curious about the operator notes, I understand bestiality is probably crossing a legal line in the UK, but what is “f04-04 no yellow wellies” all about?

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