The [male] FapMapper app

Image (taken last month in San Francisco) by Curtis Joe Walker.

I love sex apps; I’m armed with an Android (and am strongly considering working with MiKandi ( on a VB-branded sex-positive Android app). Also, I really enjoy the writing of TechCrunch’s MG Siegler; I look forward to his and Paul Carr‘s posts because they’re always entertaining and smartly authored. So I’m excited to point you at Siegler’s post on the FapMapper (, a multi-gadget app for mapping places to wank and have sex. Yet I’m seriously disappointed to see that the map pin icons are a cock-and-balls symbol. As if only guys are going to use this. Well maybe they are; I can’t really see myself in this age of fap-enlightenment making an entry with a dick on it as if it’s representative of my experience. I expect better. How dated of them. I also notice that corporate owned sex shops and jack shack already have their own entries on the maps, raising (heh) the question about who this is really serving. Lamesauce; takes all the organic vibe out of it. Still, you can go peep the FapMapper ( maps and have a giggle or be surprised to see an entry in Iran already, but be warned that as soon as you click through it snarfs your IP and geolocates you nonconsensually (even after asking, and you say ‘no’).

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