Eon McKai wants to see you naked

My close friend Eon wants to see you naked in your own house. Sorta like Merkley??? always does but possibly less crazy. (It took me two full days to put my house back together after modeling for Merkely???) Eon’s inspired by the video he shot (above) and wants to do some cool new project and needs naked girls. It’s a rough life, but I don’t mind so much because I get to watch. Here’s a snip from his call for models:

I’m looking for girls RIGHT NOW!
For a new project called “In Her Room”
Obviously this is a paying gig.

• There are no casting restrictions as far as experience, age, look, etc.

• This is a video shoot and should only take 2 or 3 hrs. Stills will also be taken during the production.

If you know my work and are interested, or you’re just interested, hit me up.
Don’t be intimidated by the whole hipster alt-porn thing. This is more a humanist thing so let’s bring people together, not exclude them.

• You must be comfortable getting naked.
Or adorably awkward about it, which is kinda my preference.

• I’m in Los Angeles but I’m going to travel to one other city for a few day and shoot girls. Could be NYC? SF? PDX? (…read more, eonmckai.com)

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