Necrophilia is a fucking tragedy

It occurs to me that I don’t take the gloves off often enough around here.

I’ve never seen more than five minutes of “Sex and the City.” I’ve also never fucked a dead body. For once, the math is easy.

The sex lives of modern women would be funny, entertaining and wonderfully addictive if portrayed in a movie or series.

This movie is going to suck. It will suck something vile, almost like AT & T.

To clarify: “Sex and The City” is over ten years old. Think about that in dog years. Or — internet years. Hollywood’s entertainment machine has created funny, relevant things about sex with value like “Secretary” but when it comes to actually talking about sex, we’re served saggy, flogged ideas from an era we never even identified with. Don’t forget how grossed out about sex they were under all that money. Then a couple of them confused acting for reality and tried to be sex advice experts in the real world. It’s like, mom, stop embarrassing me.

I mean, yay for drag queens!

I hope this was helpful.

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  1. I’ve also seen about 5 minutes worth of “Sex in the City” and I just don’t get the appeal. I don’t understand the appeal of the bow-legged scrawny star, nor the humor, dialog, etc. I think men like it for some reason, but I haven’t gotten behind the kick. I think they see the women as the silly dumb bunnies they fuck all the time, and think it is hilarious, can that be?

    Secretary: god, the hottest film I’ve ever seen come out of hollywood, that spanking scene, yummy, well except for the first Star Wars, god was Luke hot at the time ;P.


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