The shameless self-portrait post


I’ve been spending a lot of time at other people’s houses lately, and sometimes they let me hang out and work or raid their refrigerator/bar when they’re not at home. Simultaneously, I decided to experiment with the self-timer on my old Lumix and the dusty Sony tripod in my closet. The results have been well-received, so I figured I’d share. There has been a lot of pain and sadness in the past year of my life, and these images seem to represent a vulnerability within, and the strength that comes from taking that raw vulnerability and turning it into courage to just fucking survive life. Feminine strength, power that comes when you remember you have a network of friends that love you, and that no matter how naked you get inside or out — I think it just makes a girl that much more powerful. Recently, a male friend told a female friend (not me) that she should stop taking provocative self-portraits of herself because it harms her image. I think it’s the opposite. Any male threatened by a powerful woman who doesn’t feel the necessity to hide her sexual power, dumb it down or make it more masculine is wearing his low regard for women on his sleeve. (Not to mention feeling threatened enough by it to put her down for it.) Being sexual isn’t disempowering. It’s *joyous*. These images, and the video after the jump, document — literally by date of photos taken — my recent path back to happiness. And right now, I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy with my life.

Thanks for being here with me.







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  1. Some strange alchemy of light and sound and emotion that takes one to the in between place were sorrow and joy meet, bathed in the purple glow of dusk, kiss away the tears and sing songs to one another. Distressingly beautiful.
    Don’t-ever-stop-beautiful. Thank you.

  2. Violet – Deep and artistic. I’m mesmorized by your shape and feeling. The tattoos make the pictures. Congrats and I’m looking forward to more stories. -J, San Ramon.

  3. Violet, way to demonstrate the empowerment of eros. Just in case anyone doubted :)

    You have been through some truly difficult times this past year, And though you so willingly share so much of yourself with us, I can only guess that this is the tip of the iceberg. You’ve been through enough difficult times. Although you are strong, my wish for you is some respite, some comfort, some loving warmth.

    Here’s my long-distance attempt at sending you some love through the interwebs … {{{hugs & kisses}}}

  4. Violet,

    I am an older SMWM (68) (Grandpa to 8) that really enjoys tinynibbles. Your hardships moving up from the street have been difficult to read, but I admire your perserverance. You are creating an amazing persona that is gaining recognition and acceptance in many venues. You have a unique view of life – particularly here in SF – and I surely do not agree with alot of it, but you are compelling – your writing and expression and view of the many scenes here.

    I also would say that you should not ever belittle yourself or denigrate yourself or let anyone else do it. You are an attractive young woman that comes across well in the beautiful photos you take of yourself and other take of you. This latest series of self-portraits and the ones done in your kitchen or living room were particularly endearing and exotic.

    You keep on truckin’ girl and life will come to you.

    My Best Regards, George

  5. thank you, everyone. thank you!

    Alex – bra, Victoria’s Secret. panties, same, but I hand-sewed on extra ruffles and all the beads. Cuban heel stockings are from somewhere in New York, a random high-end hosiery shop I went into last summer.

  6. Initially watching your dance I saw deep sadness, like a broken heart, but my impression didn’t quite fit. Then once I read your comment about working your way back to happiness it made sense. Your dance was not sad, but instead a reenactment of the sadness for the purpose of honoring it as part of you now. Your acceptance of it has played a part in your current happiness.

    We should all be as courageous to express ourselves as you do, to be naked in the world with no regard for any misinterpretations small people may come up with. That is true freedom and realization. I can only dream of sharing any kind of space or time with a person like you. Bravo!

  7. I especially like the one of you stretched over the couch.

    Feminine strength, power that comes when you remember you have a network of friends that love you, and that no matter how naked you get inside or out — I think it just makes a girl that much more powerful.

    It’s about agency, I would imagine — a woman who is naked in the service of her own agenda, rather than for someone else’s, is showing her strength. And these shots are all you.

  8. Violet- Is it wrong that I enjoy watching you through a voyeuristic eye?

    The pic with you stretched across the couch and chair with your Cherry Blossoms exposed to us all is intense.

    Keep it up.

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