Gay porn awards coverage: GayVn ’09 dramafest in the SF Chron


In this week’s sex column for the SF Chronicle/SF Gate, I covered the GayVN’s — the gay porn awards, which were held at the Castro Theater. Just a couple blocks from my house, I was fed and watered and escorted the short walk over by my friend Sophiesunset, and she ended up being the accidental gay porn VIP. We had a blast! Extra thanks to my dear friends at Gay Porn Blog and The Sword for taking such good care of us. But moreso, the awards were surreal, and the drama was cranked up to 11. Here’s a snip from
The Scandalous GayVN’s – Violet Blue: This year’s gay porn awards were a bag of mixed nuts:

(…) We found a comfy spot up in the balcony and watched awards being handed out for things like “Best Cumshot” (Barrett Long). It was just a matter of minutes until we realized that we had, in fact, entered a cartoon, probably the moment that “sober” co-emcee Janice Dickinson dropped to her knees on the stage corner and faux-fellated a gentleman while someone was giving a heartfelt acceptance speech. Or maybe it was when Dickinson simply looked at the crowd, waved her hand across us and blurted out “Harvey Milk!” for no understandable reason.

If it wasn’t for all the unfolding drama and scandal, Dickinson might have stolen the show — especially when Supervisor Bevan Dufty began his speech and she tottered down the stage steps loudly proclaiming “I need a drink!” Seriously: Dickinson should host the next Oscars.

I might have said that the drama started last year when local porn producers Raging Stallion (, NSFW) released the film that ended up sweeping the night’s awards: their glossy controversial porn noir “To The Last Man” walked away with over a dozen. When “The Last Man” was released, it was highly criticized for the graphic violence depicted in the cowboy drama, making it a veritable gay porn Deadwood. Its throat-slashings, hangings, and various murders mixed with sex got it called a “snuff film” while others praised it for high production values and attention to plot — an unflinching portrayal of murderous characters, just like in Hollywood films — but with sex. That this controversial film swept the awards (local boys make good) might have been Dickinson’s dramatic competition. But not if you count the time she walked off the stage, jumped in Peter Acworth’s front-row lap and bitched loudly about the show as it was still in progress, later sliding to the floor to continue her distracting tirade from between Margaret Cho‘s legs.

But no: this year’s GayVN’s brought it better than a San Francisco crime novel, with a back-story of an underage performer, real-life murder, the stage stormed and a tirade unleashed (to boos and hisses), and an early morning SFPD visit (with handcuffs, the not-sexy kind) to the Westin on Third. (…read more,

And here’s a video I shot of the halftime show:

See also: Margaret Cho sings “Your Dick Is My BFF.” After the jump, there are a few more photos from the experience…

Oh, and Queerty used my photos and video without credit, or asking. I emailed and asked that they give me photo and video credit and they haven’t responded OR credited my work. What does that make them?

P1050214Janice on the floor, Margaret and Bastardsan are being good sports.

Yes, his shirt says “Mount And Do Me”.






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