I *heart* Mynx D’Meanor

mynx d’meanor

I’ve landed back in SF and I plan on writing up an ETech wrap here tomorrow — reflections and feedback on my talk, convention mischief, pranks, ego-lameos, cute and cool hackers, and the admission that I have a couple new crushes. Until then, I’m wiped. But I have to confess that I discovered new favorite sexy/brainy blog Mynx dMeanor’s Mynx Adventures via my Google vanity alerts just now (I get a ping when I get a link/mention when Goog’s spiders find my name). Meaning, she wrote about me, I found her fabulous blog, and now I’m humping her shapely RSS leg. Or something like that.

Or rather, now I have a new case of terminal crushlust — omfg, Mynx is a yummy niblet with a flaming hot brain to match. Yum!

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  1. If you like her blog you should see her perform live, although I am excited to see your post because I had no idea she was blogging. I have seen her perform many times and I am impressed each time. She is a serious fire ball of energy, and exudes tremendous sex appeal. It’s almost impossible to not love her instantly!

    It looks like this picture was taken at a Kingfish and Eddies’s Hubba Hubba Review?!? I’ve seen her at a couple of their DNA shows that are the third Friday of every month.

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