Shout out from Jon Carroll!

Holy bejeezuz, I got a huge compliment in the form of a shout-out from celebrated SF Chronicle (fellow!) columnist Jon Carroll. Snip:

I realized some time ago that, for a lot of my readers, I’m not on any page at all – I’m on their computer screen, which is located wherever they want it to be. I live on, which is a pretty valuable chunk of real estate itself. The site has just been redesigned to look even spiffier, with HuffPost-like boxes and doodads, and there’s even a box for columnists. There is no Page E2 on SFGate, and this entire column is going to be somewhat bewildering to my readers out there in byte-land.

The space in cyberspace is essentially infinite, which makes it far more flexible than dead-tree space. If SFGate wants to add a columnist, it does; it doesn’t have to fire someone to make room. SFGate readers have recently been treated to Violet Blue’s discussion of the Geek Squad’s porn problem, which is alarming in several ways and not something I’ve seen anywhere in hard copy. Worth the price of admission, which is, let me see, zero.  (…)


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  1. DGD: nope! I thought about it, had the opportunity, started getting my profile set up and did a couple shoots — then I blogged/reported on when SG started suing other websites (like Lithium Picnic and GodsGirls), and their models realized how screwed they were in their contracts, and then some of the models revolted, it was a big scandal… and then mysteriously, my login permissions disappeared and I never heard back from them again. but thank you very much for the compliment!

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