Hooray! My Erotic Role play ebook and Digita Publications reviewed on About.com!

What a fantastic thing to wake up to this morning — I published Erotic Role Play: A Guide for Couples last night, and the next day it’s on About.com (and an email from *another* publisher was in my inbox, eeee!). At About.com, the review and description of what I’m doing at Digita Publications is spot-on, and so flattering I don’t know if I can squeeze my hyooge head out of the door to leave the house today. Cory Silverberg did pick my brain a bit, so I’m not caught off guard, but… wow. Please do read it! I guess I need to start a “press” section for Digita… Here’s a heady snip:

I’d like to amend my previous gift lists and add something directly to the top of the list: Violet Blue’s new series of audio and digital books available via Digita Publications.

Violet is, of course, the author of dozens of wonderful sex books in print. Now Violet has put her expertise, techy-know-how, time, and money where her web-loving mouth is, creating a system that offers sexual content that’s fair, democratic, and easy to use. It’s also hot, helpful, and guaranteed to spice up your sex life.

Today I downloaded my first one, Erotic Role Play: A Guide for Couples and I’m going to be putting it in the virtual stockings of every lover I can think of. It was my first experience downloading an ebook and I have to say it didn’t hurt a bit. No sign-up fees, no special software, no commitment, just great sex advice in a versatile format. If you’re like me and aren’t quite sure why you should venture beyond your paper-bound bookstore, here are a few good reasons…

Four Reasons to Love Digita Publications DRM-free sex books

1. When you buy the books this way almost all the money goes directly to the authors. The publisher doesn’t get half, you don’t have to pay for a marketing department that never helps the author anyway, and the authors retain all the rights to their work. It’s like meeting an author and handing them $10 for their book. It feels good. (…)

Link. (Thank you Cory Silverberg!)

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