Sex and technology conceptual art at design interactions

We Make Money Not Art recently attended the Design Interactions show in London, blogged it, and shot this nice Flickr photo set. There were some pretty curious sex-related concepts at the event — most especially the ones blogged in this We Make Money Not Sex post and this genetic sexual attraction post. Playfully fascinating to me in a sci-fi way was the project called Wish You Were A Bit More Like Me. Snip from the post:

“Wish You Were A Bit More Like Me is inspired by the Cellular memory theory, which claims that an organ donor’s personality, taste and history can be passed on during transplant surgery. Revital Cohen tells the story of a world in which medical procedures are used to perform personality enhancement surgery.

‘In a future where medical advances make an organ transplant operation a routine procedure, a transplant wedding would allow a couple to swap their hearts (instead of the traditional ring) and install a fragment of their personality into their partner. Fashion designers would sell special surgery wedding gowns and the wedding ceremony itself would take place in an operating theatre. As a result, the newlyweds will be able to share their passions, phobias and traumas as well as experience flashbacks of each other’s dreams and memories.'” Link.

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