Sore, bruised, happy

Got in last night from Los Angeles and just woke from my first full night of sleep in several days. I’ll do a full show post in a day or two; right now a few notes as I wake up:

* SRL Chinatown BoingBoing post from the ever-gorgeous Xeni, here.
* The show was one phone call to the cops from being shut down, and yet we didn’t.
* The show was called “Fishboy’s Dream” and had its own strange and dreamlike mythology — which for me is being added to as I cruise the blogs and see people’s different perceptions of what thay saw. One of my very favorite things about SRL shows is their similarity to a car crash: everyone saw the same thing but their stories are all different, like when witnesses try to describe the traumatic events leading to an accident scene.
* My machine seriously snagged on a prop and smooshed its gear actuator, causing me to lose ‘reverse’ on one side when the right rear chain doubled onto itself and got sucked into an intake gear. (We didn’t know it at the time.) This resulted in my machine driving into the audience repeatedly while crashing into the barricade and doing a nice job of scaring them. I had planned to scare the audience with the machine, just not quite so much — but that’s fine because part of our mission at SRL is to remind the audience that art should never be a safe viewing experience and that technology can easily turn against you. Point made.
* There was fire, and lots of it. Ooops ;)

* After the show and loading out the mahcines, I went to Coop‘s house and did a filthy, bruised striptease out of my SRL gear down to my socks and sock garters for Coop and Ruth (2am).
* San Francisco sex journalism still sucks le donkey dick: I see that the San Francisco Chronicle published an article yesterday about a new video sex podcast “Sex With Emily”. I still don’t understand the point of the article, as we are filthy with extremely popular sex podcasters here in the Bay Area (like Whorecast) and if you add a zero to the total download number of the podcast in question then you’re in *my* ballpark. Maybe I’m just really tired. But yo, get your facts right Chron: they write, “‘Sex With Emily’ is a natural fit for the sex-positive Bay Area, home to other sexy podcasts by well-known experts such as Susie Bright and Violet Blue.” Susie Bright does not have a podcast, nor does she live in the Bay Area. She has a radio show and lives in Santa Cruz. Good job, clueless Chron!
* did a fucking awesome self-interview with Brett and Hiromi, among other great posts.
* Gonzo loves me.
* There is a huge, three-page article about the Extra Action Marching Band in February’s Spin Magazine — yay Extra Action!!!!

Images: self-portrait with drill index that no one can touch except Mark Pauline; fishboy’s arm (the fish are stapled on).

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