Month: January 2006

I was supposed to be working for like ten different people today and instead I added a very long list of (overdue) links to my site — they’re groupe-groped on my front page right now, and already folded into my links page. I’ve also made a new note on my link policies, making clear what…

For New York’s Gothamist the Lusty Lady herself, Rachel Kramer Bussel, interviews sex educator Ellen Friedrichs — who wrote the intense and uplifting essay “South Bronx Sex Ed” in my book Best Sex Writing 2005. And proving that she just can’t sit still, Rachel hovers for a minute to tell us how many pies she’s…

Get your copy of Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children From Sex ready and watch Xeni debate porn, the “Child Online Protection Act” and your privacy rights on CNN tonight. Feel free to thump Judith Levine’s excellent book every time someone says something stupid about porn creating child molesters and Xeni reminds them…

* San Francisco sex luminaries lose favorite San Francisco eatery: yesterday at 8:30pm a Buick plowed into Carol and Robert’s favorite restaurant, Cafe delle Stelle. Fortunately they were not in their customary window seat; all injured are in stable condition. * Blame it on the valet: a lesson in choosing your valet wisely, a la…

The pope (Joey Ratz!) is totally going to put a fatwa on my head: the Spanish translations of my fellatio and cunnilingus books are out in print! Yay and hooray for El Arte del Sexo Oral: Felacion and El Arte del Sexo Oral 2: Cunnilingus la Guia Definitiva. The publisher is in Spain, so the…

Xeni was here last night; Scott got this great pic of us together; Eddie got this one, too. I finally got all the SRL Chinatown show pics together and posted; half are mine, half are pulled from other (credited) sources. If you click the photos from start to finish you’ll get my off-the-cuff narrative about…

Got in last night from Los Angeles and just woke from my first full night of sleep in several days. I’ll do a full show post in a day or two; right now a few notes as I wake up: * SRL Chinatown BoingBoing post from the ever-gorgeous Xeni, here. * The show was one…

A quick post before I run out the door: I’m on FlickrBooty — woo hoo! Yesterday the SF Weekly quietly fired columnist Harmon Leon, who wrote the AVN piece that was full of inaccuracies — but the whole thing really stinks. If this is what happens under New Times management and editorship, then the Village…