Guan Zeju’s breathtaking new erotic oil paintings


At our local (San Francisco) Weinstein Gallery — his Timeless series, link via I’ve been idly returning to these paintings for a few days when procrastinating, not even realizing that this painter is a San Franciscan… so wonderful. His new paintings are inspired by San Francisco Ballet’s principal dancer, Yuan Yuan Tan. Snip from his bio:

“Through the Cold War and the Cultural Revolution, Guan continued to paint, whether his surroundings and possessions were, by current standards, lavish or incredibly spartan. His efforts produced some of the finest Social Realist artwork in China, artwork now being understood for its influence on the social and political course of the world’s most populous nation. His numerous portraits and murals of Mao Ze Dong, paintings and drawings of ethnic minorities, images exalting the glory of the Han Chinese, collections in the National Museum of China, significant works in the Museums of Nanchang and Henan Provinces, as well as numerous prestigious private collections, stand as important testaments to the times in which he has lived.”

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