Luxury wearables

Recently I posted about the new line of high-end vibrators from JimmyJane exclusively in white; I’ll continue that trend with some luxury wearables I’ve discovered over the past few days. Don’t worry, I can’t afford them either, but that’s not the point. The point is to want, to drool and to dream! First up is the exquisite bondage gear from Coco de Mer: pictured above is a screencap of their Fleet Harnesses (actually everything on that bondage page is to die for). They come in black, brown, white and in one instance, patent leather with brass buckles. The product pages (like this one) have a nifty mouse-magnifying feature which lets you peep the details on the photos and had me rapt for possibly hours. I like shiny things. Shiny. Good.

Tonight I paid a visit to my friend over at 3xL, and saw the post about Ego Assassin‘s new line of printed latex couture. First, I have no idea how I could continue living without knowing about this Canadian design house — their latex clothing and accessories are *incredible* and most importantly, unique and stylish. Their printed line includes stunning Japanese wave prints, stars and hearts, and — and entire line of circuit board fetishwear.

Don’t forget the sock garters, which I must own. I fell in love with this HOT cocktail dress and will pretty much do anything to get it (in black, of course). I really wish I had it for tomorrow night (the tranny bar tour with Margaret Cho and family, to be filmed by VH1, egads).

Shiny. Good.

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