Marty Beckerman follows Cosmo’s sex advice

It’s a bad week for Cosmopolitan Magazine, for we have actually read it. And lo, we all want to know, WTF Cosmo? Journalist Marty Beckerman decided to read the sex tips this month and actually try them out with his girlfriend and the results are… painfully hilarious. No one should ever read Cosmo without watching I Tried Cosmo’s Sex Advice; Wow My My Penis Hurts ( What a brave man, and what a stupid, silly magazine. This is proof that you should always consider the source. I mean, if you read something that tells you to jack him off with a fine tooth comb, and it sounds just wrong, it probably is.

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  1. Ha, this reminds me that these days I also live by the rubric:
    Just because it’s given away free with Cosmo, you shouldn’t rub it on your willy and use it as a lubricant when wanking mainly due to my mistaking a free sample of make-up remover for a free sample of moisturiser one time when I was younger…

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