And interestingly, links to my video and mentions my involvement with SRL, though does not connect the two… His description of spending time with Extra Action is really perfect. “Sexy utopia.” I have decided that I want to be a combination of David Byrne and Hunter S. Thompson and Ballard when I grow up.…

I didn’t get out of the Fillmore last night until around 1am. The entire band, and David, and David’s band had left, and I counted out the merchandise with the Fillmore staff, finally exchanging hugs with the big, mean security guards on my way out — they nicknamed me “baby-doll.” When I finally made it…

* here’s last night’s entry: I fell asleep waiting for video to upload! It’s about 2am and I need to go to bed — I’ve been up to a lot of mischief, but I just want to share a few tidbits with you before going to bed. I will explain later — first, at 5pm…

Mark emailed me this morning about Thompson, and SRL shows: >We already did that. It was delusions of expediency show in 1987. HT >came to the shop and show and the Mitchell Bros shot several scenes >of him… (comment witheld) and running machines. They also used footage >from the show of him watching and commenting.…

Holy shit — I just found out over the SRL wires, Hunter S. Thompson shot himself, and is now dead. Perhaps our next show will be a la Fear and Loathing. Goodbye, uncle gonzo.

I sidetracked myself from editing for a minute and checked on one of my favorite-est porn S/M filmmakers, Maria Beatty — and I’m tickled to see that she has a new film out that turns me on just to think about it. I must get my hands on a copy of Ecstasy in Berlin 1926.

In case you’ve wondered why I’m so quiet this week, I’m on a rough deadline for this book. Yahoo! dumped all my contacts and I’m desperate to get in touch with an author named Michael A. Gonzales. Michael, please get in touch with me so I can publish your piece! I don’t have much time…

If you’ve never tried adding lubrication for sex, I insist that you do so immediately. Now. In your cubicle, or wherever you’re reading this. I know that everyone within a 10-mile radius of San Francisco is thinking right now, “Sex sans lube? Barbaric!” But seriously, I really need to make a point out of this…

It’s the congratulatory drinks. Carol, Arlo, Chriso, Hornboy, more… My jobless friends are really happy I’m one of them now, and have been plying me with alcohol for the past few days… and lots of email from readers has been coming in gushing with hugs and support — thank you! I’m quite enjoying sleeping in,…