Year: 2012

Imagine the tragedy if, during a hot party with one or more of your bestest battery-powered and/or silicone friends, one of them suffers from vibrator breakdown or nipple clamp metal-fatigue. And if a toe-curling orgasm causes you to accidentally propel that dildo out the window before you’re finished with it? Never fear…if you’re in Brooklyn,…

While I can’t decide if I want to ignore or embrace Valentine’s Day this year, the always sweet and never bitter Matthew Inman – aka The Oatmeal – makes it all better with new greeting cards conveying comic messages of twisted, tainted love (and lust). Don’t miss his new Horrible Valentine’s Day Cards. They’re actual…

Many of you know I love FEMEN (Site: FEMEN). Police detained and later released three topless protesters this weekend after they stripped to the waist outside a World Economic Forum event in Davos, Switzerland (attended privately by wealthy elite like Arianna Huffington and Facebook’s Sherl Sandberg). The trio, from the Ukrainian group FEMEN, carried banners…

Every Friday on Pulp Tech I do a sex and tech news roundup – I think that the intersections of sex and tech are where we find the interesting bits. Often, these bits reveal intentions by people that want to use sexuality for something other than positive reasons, and where people try to control others…

Is Male Sexuality to Blame For War?

In a bizarrely credulous article, the Telegraph has answered the question of what causes war. That’s right! You guessed it…it’s boners. Not economics, resource scarcity, ethnic and racial prejudice, acquisitive and incompetent political leaders, short-sightedness or failure to learn from history. Nope! It’s just plain boners, pure and simple. They’re bad. Here’s how the Telegraph…