Month: March 2010

from: by In what my friend The Sexademic calls “an interesting move for the private sector” we now have STD Test Express, a fully private STD testing website. I pinged her before posting because Sexademic has been exploring more ‘open source’ options for STD tests lately, and we just took an STD/STI update…

Is oral sex considered sex? It wasn’t to around 30 percent of the study participants. How about anal sex? For around 20 percent of the participants, no. A surprising number of older men did not consider penile-vaginal intercourse to be sex. More than idle gossip, the answers to questions about sex can inform — or…

The submissions are all in for American Apparel’s “best bottom” contest; when it was announced in January, reactions ranged from outrage and cries of “sexism!” to pervy excitement and posterior posturing of all kinds. I’m enjoying the range of butts that made the top categories and happy to see that the #1 butt is one…