Month: January 2008

Another trailer — I’m a *huge* Hellboy fan, I have all the original comics. Here’s the site for Hellboy II: The Golden Army with full-size trailer (directed by Guillermo Del Toro), and the trailer is also embedded after the jump, due to its evil autoplay. But still — y4y!!!

The documentary about Mac fanatics, “MacHeads: The Movie” now has the trailer up on their under-construction website, and it looks to be like Trekkies on some sort of wacked Air-acid. It’s awesome, and I think it was more than a year in the making for their dedicated team (whom I met when they filmed me).…

Image: a re-enactment of Steve Jobs telling me off. Location: the Pownce pre-launch party. Cast: Steve Jobs as played by Veronica Belmont; Katie Cotton as played by a PBR, a MacBook Air as played by Ariel Waldman, and Violet Blue as played by an anonymous inebriated blogger. Way better photos of us from the party…