MSM still ganking blog content, eh? It’s so cute!

The walls are weaker by the moment in the gated community of the fourth estate, but I still feel like us bloggers are the “shock troops” in this whole new media point in history. Point:

Posted by Amy Gahran 1:00:37 PM
Mini-Tidbits: Cribbing from Blogs?
The blog Silicon Alley Insider is a little miffed at the New York Times over attribution.
Yahoo Mass Layoff Plan Confirmed, Exact Number TBD (Silicon Alley Insider): Silicon Alley Insider reported this story extensively before the NYT ran with it. I don’t blame them for getting a bit snarky about how the NYT handled attribution: “Acknowledging that ‘some blogs’ reported potential major layoffs at Yahoo (YHOO) over the weekend, the NYT follows up two days later with its own version of the story — which is almost the same.”

Link. (Extra link insert is mine so you can see how pissed SAI is at the NYT… thanks, Tyler!)

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