Two non-sex issues on my mind

* First, I’m still deeply saddened by the death last friday of hardcore vlogger correspondent Ali Shafeya, of Alive in Baghdad. Killed by Iraqi National Guard Forces, he was two days away from turning 23, and put his life on the line to provide indy reporting first-hand about the war, as told be the people. It’s the only indy source for unbiased stories about daily life in Iraq that I know of, and I think it’s incredible that they’re getting the stories out. That’s the true gift of new media, in my eyes. If you feel me on this one, consider a donation to Ali Shafeya’s family, and to help with funeral costs. Thank you, Ali. You made a difference.

* Second, close friends on a sticky situation: I’m sure you read Scott Beale’s post about Lane Hartwell’s struggle over rights of her photographic work. Do also read Lane’s post, and Jason Schultz’s eloquent legal summary. It’s true that I’ve been asked to take content down this year and refused (okay, it happens to me every year — but it’s always content I’ve created myself, not appropriated from others). And I like to giggle at ridiculous take-down notices, especially when they’re used abusively. I also historically give *tons* of content away for free (I always will, to the chagrin of many) and I don’t bother too much if someone uses my work with proper credit; though not if they snag it wholesale and present it as their own, or as a non-consensual collaboration. My digital books are DRM-free: remix with consent, and share with conscience. But, I also don’t solely rely on my photos or videos for income (yet). I think there’s being fair and making judgment calls, and then there’s acting douchey and self-righteous about using other peoples’ work, especially when they simply try to talk to you about it — and the internet is good for nothing if not for outing jerks. Lane’s photos are her livelihood: enough said. Act like a person about it already. First rule of internet club: don’t act like a douchebag.

Afterthought: As a holiday present to myself this year, I’ll be outing a couple of douchebags here on the blog in the next week. w3rd.

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