2007 Sexy Geek Nomination Time

Photo via Kellys Arcade.

Okay, so I’m opening up nominations one day earlier than usual, but like 2005 and 2006 I’ll be posting the Top Ten Sexy Geeks of 2007 on December 20. That’s right — the always-surprising, sexy geek blush inducing, Laughing Squid server-smokin’ list is back for its third year in a row. I was so excited when I met the Ninja at SXSW 2007, and he thanked me for making him a sexy geek (2006)! It was by popular demand (and concern, of course, for my life).

Seen a hottie execute some pulse-quickening tech-fu? Have you been admiring a vlogger you feel is unsung for their mad vlog skillz and nerdy sex appeal? Heard of a sexpot who writes killer apps, built their site from the ground up, or is lurking like an evil mastermind behind a smart 2.0 company or tech blog? I do personally handpick the list, but I base it on your nominations every year. Now’s the time to let me know: violet at tinynibbles dot com

Not nerdalicious enuf:

* Celebrities, especially Hollywood ones.
* Chicks who pose in bikinis with video game themed accessories.
* Models and actors who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.
* Anyone I have had sex with. Sorry!
* Babes, studs or porn peeps with “geek” and “nerd” plastered all over their paysites, with nothing to back it up.
* People who are cute, but no one seems to know why they have geek cred.

Also disqualified: anyone who’s already been on this list in a previous year.

Lube up your browser and nominate anyone who is:

* Smart, nerdy and HOT.
* Has done something really amazing this year in tech, and you just totally realized is also irresistibly sexy.
* Someone known for being hot, but has hardcore geek cred that no one seems to notice.
* The total Unsung Hottie in your dev group.
* Tech bloggers or vloggers you just want to point at and go, OMG hw4t!
* You’ll notice I’ve had a cyberlawyer on the list every year; think outside the blog- and vlogosphere to uncover the fierce and delicious people who support, fuel and participate in Internet culture.

And, as always — single or not, it’s all in fun.

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