Niceness: YouTube’s top ten, plus a great review

youtube top tenThis week saw a fabulous review for The Smart Girls’ Guide to the G-Spot on The Dinah Project (an Israeli women’s blog!). And today I discovered that the YouTube video for my Google sexual privacy talk is getting pretty viral, coming in at YouTube’s #6 most-viewed video for the month — I made the top ten (and it’s up to 406,699 views)! Not bad for being up for only one week, though I did *not* beat “Britney Spears, Rape and Clinton”. Ah, well. While there are a lot of typical trash toll comments, there are some very nice comments as well, such as:

ok???? violet blue is my new hero. somebody who speaks with a clear
voice about sex and can say
“fuck” with straight face. you go!!!!
you just made a new fan

What’s also really cool is that the the Google video user, you know the Google account that they use to upload the videos, is currently using a screengrab from my talk as their icon! So I’d say that my talk went *really* well… Meanwhile, in G-Spot news The Dinah Project wrote,

This really is a guide for smart girls — intelligently and pertinently written. It covers the anatomy and experience of the G-spot and G-orgasms without treating it like it’s the only way to be enjoying sex.

gspotcovermed.jpg(…) Violet Blue, a self defined sex educator, porn reviewer and sex culture critic, writes authoritatively and yet so freshly as to make it a page turner. Her attitude is that nothing is necessary in sex, and that not everyone has to enjoy or succeed with G-play. But a choice of sexual tastes should come from knowledge and not mistaken beliefs propagated by myths and fears.

This book is equally useful for lesbian and straight women, and their partners, across sexual styles.

* Written by sex educator and sexuality writer
* Covers wide variation of G-spot sexuality
* Humourously written
* Includes G-centric erotic tales


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