A girl and her cat

Shots of me and Alex from last night, rolling around in bed after meeting my Chronicle deadline and before more sick-bed Buffy (season 6). Here’s the set of insane adorableness.

Also: I went to one of those A-listy parties last weekend and had a blast. It was on World War 2 cargo ship the SS Jeremiah (images and text about the party is here)! Thanks and smooches to my new pal Tim Ferriss for inviting me. I finally got a chance to connect with Brian Solis (yay!) and many others in both government and entertainment, snuggled with a few close friends and got caught up with folks I usually only see fleetingly at conventions and parties.

Hacker Boy and I shared a camera at the party and our shots of the gorgeous engine room are here (yes, my TX1 is broken *again* and I have a Lumix on my wish list, sigh). Scott Beale has incredible daytime photos from last August here.

Update: Two cats talking! Sean sent it to me IMing, “I have a bloody nose from ramming my face into my screen trying to snuggle with them.”.

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