About.com on Tyra: Surprising, humiliating, embarrassing, derogatory, defamatory…

Cory Silverberg at About.com has quite a write-up about my experience with the Tyra Banks Show. And I am stunned, into silence, snip:

(…) If you haven’t had any interaction with Violet Blue yet a recent video blog she posted offers a new reason to meet her (virtually at least) and confirms for me why she’s not only a lovely person, but one of the most important sexual voices of our generation.

A few months ago Violet had an article about women watching porn in O Magazine (the magazine Oprah built). Like all of Violet’s writing the article was great. It was accessible to a wide range of people; it was funny, honest, and genuinely helpful to anyone interested in understanding pornography. It also managed to convey something of the complicated nature of sex without becoming too academic. One thing Violet never does is dumb sex down.

Not surprisingly the article also got Violet a lot of mainstream media attention. And this is how she found herself invited to be on the Tyra Banks show. Unfortunately the rest of the story isn’t quite so funny and it’s a whole lot more dumb. (…)


Thank you, Cory Silverberg.

Also, OMG update: Defamer blogged it, too! Defamer is one of my favorite blogs — thank you, Mark!

Update: Also seen @ DollyMix.tv, “Violet Blue told to cover up tattoos“; Jezebel, “Porn Ultimatum“; Babeland, “Violet Blue on Tyra Banks Show“; Fleshbot, “Violet Vs. Tyra: Clash Of The Titans

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