Italian translations!


A whole box of them just arrived — Italian translations of my first book (and its sequel) Sweet Life 1 and Sweet Life 2. w00t!!!! Eeeeee!!!!

But the irony here for me is in the re-titling of the books (compiled into one volume, above). You see, I named my first collection of explicit erotica for couples Sweet Life after Fellini’s masterpiece La Dolce Vita, in part because it’s one of my lifetime favorite films, and also because it’s such a wistful allegory for trying to find that thing you desire the most. In my two books, all of the couples are deeply in love and looking for ways to make that hotter, deeper, naughtier (and they do). La Dolce Vita is Italian for “the sweet life”. But the Italian press that translated my books renamed it Sexploration. What a ridiculous title. But then, maybe they couldn’t use the direct translation for copyright reasons. Life is sweet and strange, indeed.

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