Google’s sex spam bugs strike again

This time it’s their service Blogger, which has just marked famous UK sex blogger Girl With A One Track Mind as a spam blog, has blocked her from posting, and has threatened to delete her blog. Hell, she only *writes* about sex (no visual porn on her site) — and is one of the first and best known of the first-wave sex blog authors. Can anyone help her? She’s part of our history and a heroine to many (and after what the British tabloids did to her, she really doesn’t deserve this). Damn you, Blogger! When will these big companies learn the difference between erotica and porn spam (or have community liaisons for the communities they serve)?

Update: back to normal. GWAOTM writes, “I just wanted to let you all know I have been finally let back in to my blog and am now able to update – hurrah.

Bloody fed up with how this all happened: think I shall have to migrate off Blogger very very soon…

Thank you all for all your help, advice and support: I really appreciate it.”

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