A whole window display!

This is so flattering — smooches to Sean for taking the photo (and I mean it). Come As You Are in Toronto did a whole window display using some of my books! Hoo-ray!!! Thank you!

I’m finally feeling better, for those who have been following my flu progress. Fevers, 15-hour sleep-a-thons, and finally today I woke up feisty, able to speak and ready to cause some trouble. Or do a lot of work, ugh. Oh — and after eighteen phone calls and numerous reapplications through the most insane bureaucracy ever, I’ll finally, as of September 1, be a blogger with health insurance. Phew. The whole four-month process was almost as fun as having a cup of hot coffee thrown in my face.

Random: this totally sex nerdy transcript of a Beverly Whipple interview about the G-spot made one of my fever nights very pleasant. It is so, totally, amazingly, obsessively fascinating. Seriously. She still, after all these years, kicks major G-spot ass (or something like that). She wrote the OG G-spot book in 1982, which tells scientifically, anatomically and medically what it is — while mine tells you how to have fun with it. I was so happy to read her recent interview and see everything concur with my book’s foundations. Research, reaffirmation, yay. Now I really want to geek out on her newer book The Science of Orgasm.

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