Meditations on Metropolis

Hey — I’m still here. I have lots of photo and video to upload and a column to write; I had quite a weekend. Yes, to those of you who emailed — that was me with those cute girls in that window on 16th Street, flashing our boobies to the cheering dyke march. Yes — I saw Elizabeth Edwards speak (from the table next to the stage; we all agreed she should run instead of her husband). Yes, over the weekend I got another email from someone who wants me to die for talking about sex (a guy who wants me put out of my misery). And yes, I was in the parade with my mom Police Commissioner President Theresa Sparks, and Gavin right behind us, and yes, I met like a zillion officials (DA, police chief, etc) and hung out with oodles of happy and proud LGBT SFPD officers. I also met the gang task force head and had some interesting discussions. And bizarrely, all weekend I was constantly recognized by someone I didn’t know everywhere I went. I’ve been in the world of politics and high-profile discussions of issues like equality and discrimination, and laughing/rubbing shoulders with people who are devoting their lives (and personal safety) to creating positive change. I’ve been understanding a new kind of love and strength and loyalty, and a new kind of hate and ignorance.

So I’m getting slowly back to work here, catching up on the tech world and media I’ve missed, and thinking about a lot of stuff.

Anyone see Metropolis recently? It’s one of my favorite films of all time, and I know it quite well. I just saw this post, and all I can think is, “Eternal Gardens”, anyone?

This is the Metropolis wiki page; an overly wordey review but concise description of the Eternal Gardens is here on Not Coming; this is a fabulous fansite.

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