
Ugh, Houston Airport is closed, our plane got low on fuel and now we’re sitting in beautiful Corpus Christi (airport). Thunderstorms, I love you when I’m on the ground.

I read a great piece about forensics in this week’s New Yorker, and started in on a terrific book, When Hollywood Had A King. I’m blogging from my Blackberry in my plane seat, and even though they opened the door for air, it’s humid as fuck. Or, I guess it’s humid as the armpit of Texas in a thunderstorm.

Okay, the pilot just said we’re here for another half hour but the weather is passing. It’s funny, whenever bad things happen to friends, or when a freind is in emotional pain, I say it’s like a storm, it rages through and then moves on. I’ve had some friends in rough spots lately so I’m exceptionally contemplative this week. Plus, it is really really weird going to go talk to all these influential businesspeople about new media, bloggers and MSM, and advertising. So I’m in my head a lot, thinking about how I got here.

Bla bla. Blogging on a plane.

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