I’ve got your ASS-key right here


Jonno just served up the most perfect Fleshbotty response to the Digg user hoo-hah (which is sadly lacking in the hoo-hah department if you know what I mean) — and points out that Digg won’t let its users link to our site. I’ll shamelessy snip his glorious text (and art) from Hot Hexadecimal Porn:

We haven’t really been keeping up with the whole conflamma today regarding Digg’s alleged censorship of a certain hexadecimal code that can be used to break the copy protection on HD-DVD disks, mostly because (1) we tend to pretty much ignore sites that won’t let its users link to our content and (2) when we first saw headlines about it, we read “AACS key” as “ASS key” and were really disappointed when the story ended up being about a bunch of numbers instead of, you know, ass. Still, we’re as committed to free expression as anyone on teh interwebs, so below you’ll find a mini-gallery featuring our own contributions to the cause. (Got any more? Feel free to send ’em our way.) We still have no idea what you’re supposed to actually do with all those numbers and letters, but hey … everyone can use a couple of hot dildo porn pics, right? Link.

* Hot Hexadecimal Dildo Action! (Fleshbot Gallery)

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