Oh luggage and phone, how I miss you

This is day three without my big suitcase and everything in it, including my phone — so if you’re trying to call me, you should really send me an email instead. My Blackberry was in my case… as are socks, undies, my flatiron, all my makeup, my ruffle-but beaded panties, boots, jackets, my bunny slippers, assorted clothes, and Jonathan and David’s Roboexotica 2006 award. I do love Virgin Airlines, but this is putting a strain on our new relationship.

But the great news in all this — upon hearing of my current phoneless state, Helio is overnighting me a white Drift! I’m so excited, especially to play with their new Metblogs integration. I was getting tired of my Blackberry and wishing I had a cameraphone anyway; I’ll see about hooking it up with my Flickr and Blip accounts for extra fun — especially with the upcoming porn and sex toy company holiday parties I’ve been invited to in the coming weeks…!

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