Loving my new drift

I got my bag back from Virgin Airlines — phew! Bunny slippers are home! But so is my Blackberry, and now I’m torn between my Blackberry and the sexy white Drift Helio sent me to make up for my phoneless state. To my surprise, the coverage is way better than Cingular and people sound much clearer than on the ‘berry — and the Drift is *fast* online, yikes. The GPS on the Drift is addictive and OMG how I love having a cameraphone — if I can get it to integrate with Flickr I’ll have to take it with me everywhere. I’m still learning the user interface but it’s pretty basic, and Hacker Boy has already installed a big-boobed, gyrating porny screensaver for me. Because I just don’t have enough porn in my life.

The only thing keeping the Drift from becoming my permanent accessory is the lack of QWERTY — I really rely on being able to type out an easy email and I can (and sometimes do) blog on-the-fly from the Blackberry. Think of how much fun I could have if I could do photo and video posts live from crazy parties, sex events, mitzvahs and prison breaks! Or maybe it’s more like, how many friends and lovers can I alienate with my gadget addiction when I should be social, and instead of partying I’m standing there *blogging*… Am I a dork if I carry two phones?

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