Revenge of the geek girls

Forwarded to me from HR Lori, The Tech Chronicles puts a bloggy fatwa on Cnet (UK) for their crappy, obnoxious, utterly developmentally disabled list Top Ten Girl Geeks: Your Essential Guide. Read the list, and it’s clear that Cnet has some *outstanding* drug connections. Snip:

“They are girl geeks? Hear the blogosphere roar. Cnet, in its infinite wisdom, came up with the Top 10 girl geeks. Great idea, questionable methodology, complain geeks posting on Slashdot. Some of the choices are right on the money (Ada Byron, Marie Curie), others incited furor (Daryl Hannah, Lisa Simpson, Paris Hilton). It’s incontrovertible that some of these women won’t be channeling Gottfried Leibniz or counting in binary numbers anytime in our lifetimes.

(…) ‘The list is an insult to women, and in particular geek women. Having filler like Lisa Simpson is bad enough, but Paris Hilton? If the list were of the top 10 men, would it include Dilbert and some-random-male-game-playing-celebrity?’

So, who did Cnet miss? Let the nominations roll…” Link.

And yes, there’s already a head-scratching “wtf?” going on over at She’s Such a Geek.

Let’s just say that Paris Hilton better take it easy when she walks down the sidewalk texting Nicole Richie about how fat she is on her Swarovski-encrusted, eminently hackable Sidekick, you know, ’cause them sidewalks get real slippery in December and SRL machines can be operated reeeal quiet like, if you know what I mean, and it’d be a shame if she happened to take a *little spill* between now and her next trip to the ladies’ room with her gold card to “play video games in the stall” before her next glassy-eyed PSP photo op….

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