I heart Make

When I got home from Seattle, there was a present for me on my doorstep — Phillip sent me a copy of the new Make Magazine #7! Yay! It’s extra-special because in this issue they did a huge Maker Profile on the person closest to me in my life, Mark Pauline. It’s all good — “Mark Pauline’s Machine Mayhem” is an amazing piece written by David Pescovitz and is required reading for anyone who is a fan or even just curious about how Survival Research Labs got started, evolved and why we do all the dangerous and exciting things we do by redirecting tech, robotics, science, industrial equipment, and cultural iconography. What’s really great is that all the photos are by Scott Beale, our official unofficial photographer, member, and friend. I spent two full days combing the SRL photo archives for machine images to help with the piece, so the home delivery of the issue is a sweet, deeply appreciated gesture.

Oh yeah, I think there’s other cool stuff in the magazine too. And you can tell how much I like the cover! Thank you, Phillip.

Here’s a bonus cute photo I took of Mark at SRL yesterday.

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