Thomas Roche is a beeeyyayayayayatch

I think Thomas beat me at fight club this month. Today I edited five chapters line by line (because an editor *mangled* my manuscript and inserted crazy-wrong pronoun chaos and sex-negative judgements into the text) and just finished a 4K word chapter. And I lost a week, last week, obviously. But Thomas. He’s a beeeyyayayayayatch. He wrote me, “You know that book I was freaking out about a week ago Friday? I finished it last Friday. Seems on Saturday morning I decided I hated all of the 13,000 words I had written (especially “a” “and” and “the”) and I threw it all away. Wrote the 75,000 word manuscript from scratch in six and a half days. Just finished revising it & printing it out. Why do I do this again?”

I get extra fight club points for writing nonfiction, don’t I? Mufucka!

I’m so over the sex act I’m writing about right now I want to change the name of it to “fluffy bunny” throughout the entire text just to keep the insanity at bay… Think The Ultimate Guide to Anally Excitable Fluffy Bunnies Pinching Tiny Little Loaves by Violet Blue, and that’s where I’m at right now.

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