Robogames 2006 day one

For the first day of RoboGames 2006 today, Eddie and I spent all day filming and interviewing for GETV; now I’m kicking it in our hot San Francisco summer (!) weather with my stilettos off and a cool, delicious inebriant. More pics are in the album I started, RoboGames 2006; a few select photos are after the jump and a super-cool new bot video is in the (left) sidebar.

Update: video embed after the jump.

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This guy was serious about having power for the lift in his flipperbot:

Motherfucking snakes on everything!

This girl was cute, and this was her “prettybot”. She interviewed me for a local TV station, except she/they interviewed me — and *afterward* approached me to sign a release for use of my image by their network. I thought it was very tacky and presumptuous of them; as Eddie put it when I was grilling the guy about use of my image, “Ha, release, how old media”. I didn’t sign it — had all this stuff about their advertisers in it. lame!


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