San Francisco Valentine’s guide

First, a huge sticky-sweet thank you to the Montreal Mirror for saying such incredibly wonderful things about me, my felltio book and labor-of-love Tiny Nibbles in ther Sexy and Sweet: A Mirror Valentine’s Gift Guide. (I’ve always wanted to visit Montreal, so this is especially cool.) Next, over on SFist you’ll find my latest column Your ‘Fisty Valentine, where I tell where to find a heavy handful of local sex parties and events this weekend, my favorite local chocolate makers (including a romantic chocolate factory tour), suggestions for picnics and weekend movies around town, and much more. Two events of note:

Saturday night at the CSC, Thomas Roche’s My Sucky Valentine is a benefit for SFSI featuring Carol Queen, Thea Hillman, Daphne Gottlieb, Mistress Morgana, mi blue (no relation), as well as MC Roche and myself. Thomas tells us, “what makes this event slightly different than your run-of-the-mill group drunken crying jag at the Zeitgeist is that My Sucky Valentine peels back the rotting rose petals of romance that cover the fragrant bud of sleaze. Many of San Francisco’s best-loved erotica writers step away from their usual sex-positive selves and mingle their appreciation of the nastier side of sex with bitter and downright admissions about how wrong it can go.”

What he doesn’t tell you is that I have no idea what I’ll be reading — Thomas is picking something for me. Just great. So if you like my podcast and you want to see me put on the spot by my best friend and forced to read filthy dirty erotica live, this is the time…

SRL fans will want to come to the Women’s Building friday night for an indiefest screening of the awesome video shot at last year’s Los Angeles SRL show — this will be a benefit to help us move and half of the door proceeds and all of the merchandise we sell goes toward the move. I have to go down to SRL this afternoon to round up stuff to sell; I’ll be the one at the merch table trying to part you with your hard-earned cash. With a smile, of course.

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