Video Podcast With Siege

Too much writing, I had to do a podcast: in audio (MP3) and video (M4V) formats, Open Source Sex 20, all about how to have a threesome. I’m thrilled to say that the video version has around 30 gorgeous images by Siege (of Daily Siege at Nerve, Operation Eden); totally worth checking out. Read the show notes here.

I’ve gotten tons of email about the video podcasts; overall, no one wants the audio-only versions to stop coming, and I can assure all that they’ll always be a staple of Open Source Sex. Accessibility is essential; it’s no effort whatsoever to broadcast both versions. One listener emailed me and suggested that I have two RSS feeds, one for audio and one for video; that way it wouldn’t suck up bandwidth for people who don’t want one or the other. What would be easier for everyone, since most of my downloads are now through iTunes, would be if iTunes had an option for subscribers; I imagine it’ll become more of an issue in the coming months as people see how easy it is to do a video podcast (I’m using iTunes and QuickTime Pro; I wish there were more options for QT slideshows and photo resize, but I’m working with it…). I thought about two feeds for a minute, but I’d hate to lose subscribers and have my feeds split, especially when not all of my podcasts will be video. Plus the download numbers from Libsyn are really interesting, almost even money on audio vs. video downloads.

And no, the download numbers didn’t start out even — for a few days it was about 2/3 audio, 1/3 video. I intentionally podcast the video first, and then the audio: iTunes auto downloads the most recent file for subscribers — this way, I figure people get the MP3 (audio) like usual, and can opt to download the video if they want. I know it may not work the same with other aggregators, but with other ags there are at least more subscriber options. I’m still working on all of it, and totally open to feedback and suggestions. It’s been interesting to watch the video downloads increase. (And the numbers increase every hour; #17 has been tapped 91,751 times since 9/25) I’ll see what happens as the days go by with #20. At least I know there’s *some* kind of an audience for visuals with the education and erotica, though MP3 is still the most-downloaded kind of file.

Also I need to do more interviews. Who should I interview?

I’m in the home stretch with my books… just one more chapter to write, hard copy to edit and I’m home free. I try to edit on paper over the weekend; I refrain from “strong drink” (okay, all drink) dring the week so I can have a clear head to write with, but on the weekends it’s cocktails and a red pen for me.

My inbox is stuffed to the gills, and I’ll be writing back next week, really — if you’ve emailed me with a sex question (most of my email) that isn’t urgent, you’ll get a good reply, and my friends, well… who’s left? Bacchus, for one, who finished his last email with “Don’t worry, I’ll still be your friend if you’re too busy to answer this email. ;-)” And Tony Comstock, whose email touched me in a warm spot (not *that* spot), “Now that I know you go subterranean sometimes, I don’t worry about it.”

Oooh, I need to start getting ready to go to ComBots and be a judge — I’m hoping for after-hours grudge matches later tonight…

Fun link: Comstock Films — a 30-minute look at their upcoming film Damon and Hunter.

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