He-Man *is* fabulous

I’m now ready to admit that I have a fetish for cartoon mashups, especially if they’re superheroes. I’m addicted to Robot Chicken. I pre-ordered the Harvey Birdman season 1 DVD — and had a marathon when it arrived, permanently scarring my nostrils from all the beer that accidently shot through each time Peanut or Avenger appeared onscreen. (Seriously: do not eat or drink while watching.) Hornboy has a complete Harvey Birdman costume, and I have a skin-tight vinyl Batgirl outfit, complete with cape… But they’re totally for Halloween, and stuff. Really.

With that, I have to share the most fabulous He-Man video, ever, guaranteed to make your nostrils into beverage launchers:

Fabulous Secret Powers

Other things that feel good to rub on: Post Label Against Bush (thanks Mike!), Ray Ceaser, Absolutely Del.icio.us – Complete Tool Collection, Eros.Coloribus, Evil Signtist: Evil Sign Post (YaY Hornboy!)

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