A beautiful shrimping

kinky gearMy friend Thomas has officially lost his overmedicated, undersexed and almost beautiful mind. Read his review of the Behind Kink opening party, full of gems like:

“I spent years in the marketing field, so I’ll let you in on a not-so-well-kept secret: at these press events, journalists — among whose ranks your cottonmouthed correspondent cockily counts himself as Mencken flips bitches in his grave — are ‘wined and dined,’ as they say, by devious PR folks in an attempt to get us to say nice things about their product. They liquor us up, they stuff us with shrimp, and the next morning we can’t really remember if this JT Argento person was even actually in the movie, and whether Bettie Page was a country singer with a pill problem, or what.”

I would have gone to the event, but their PR guy seriously jerked me around for ideas on how to innovate their sites with RSS, then used my ideas and “forgot” about our meetings. I’ll go to the *next* free-booze-and-shrimp-in-the-dungeon event. Still, I have some cool friends that work at Cybernet, I mean Kink dot com. Go figure.

Image: taken when I got a tour of Kink dot com a month ago; it’s only *part* of their huge bondage gear supply wall.

Update: from Thomas via email two seconds ago, “Right, but I don’t give a fuck WHAT you say, Ariel X DOES have lips like munchable morsels of melty Scharfenberger, and that’s all there is to it.”

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