Tilt this: Sex Culture Revolutionary T-Shirts

Kinky Salon‘s very own deliciously wonderful Polly Superstar is almost halfway to selling the 50 Sex Culture Revolutionary t-shirts she needs to make the project happen — and you can help by buying one, or sharing the Crowdtilt link around in places you think it might be appreciated. My fingers are crossed, because I really want one of these :D

Now, I’ll let my dear friend Polly take it away… There are only five days left on the fundraiser. From Sex Culture Revolutionary T-Shirts with Polly Superstar:

Let the world know that YOU are a SEX CULTURE REVOLUTIONARY.

This logo was created by Craig Feinberg, Creative Director of Begson in Los Angeles. Craig’s background includes Taschen, Bennetton, Fabrica, and Begsonland. You can see more of his work here: http://www.begson.com

He’s kind of a big deal. And he’s adding this beauty to his portfolio, which means random awesome people who would never otherwise see it will see it, and it will become a famous, iconic symbol of our generation! Maybe. Either way it’s still a cool shirt. You know you want it.

Plus all the money raised goes towards supporting the INTERNATIONAL KINKY SALON MOVEMENT.

MOAR products coming soon (you know we need panties and manties) but not unless you tilt this bitch, so buy your T-shirt NOW!

Screen printed right here in the Bay Area on the finest quality shirts.

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